9 exquisite types of Visas in Dubai

Types of Visas in Dubai

There are various types of Visas in Dubai that you can use for various purposes like Bussines, a short visit, studies, tourism, medical services, etc. Dubai is one of the most fascinating cities in the United Arab Emirates. It is a renowned place for travel destinations. Various elite-class businesses in Dubai are well established. 

Dubai is one of the best places all over the globe. There are various kinds of visas that are issued by the government of Dubai. Each kind of visa varies from the other one. Let’s have a glance at the types of visas in Dubai:

E-Visa for GCC residents

This type of visa in Dubai permits GCC residents to enter. This can be done once the residents apply for the e-visa before the permission. Hence, after the approval of the application for the visa, it can be acquired online through email. This type of visa remains valid for only 30 days. After the expiration, this e-visa in Dubai can be renewed as well. 

The eligibility of this visa in Dubai is that the GCC residency must have to be valid for at least three months from the arrival date. It is a blessing in disguise because of this factor. The visa in Dubai will not be acquired if the profession has changed after the GCC residents have received approval for entry. It costs 2000 AED in total.

Tourist Visa

For leisure activities, it is the best visa for Dubai. It is applicable mostly for 30 days. It applies to those people who are not GCC residents. This visa has a validity of 58 days from the date of its issue. 

Females under 18 ages are not permitted to enter Dubai as they are only allowed to visit with their parents. The airlines like Emirates and Fly Dubai take people on board. It cost 335 AED in total. 

Dubai Golden Visa

It is a type of visa in Dubai through which people can live in Dubai as residents from all over the world. What could be more than this? In fact, the people here can study and work as well. 

Moreover, doctors, investors, entrepreneurs, and engineers can acquire these types of Visas in Dubai as well as they are granted for five to ten years. The visa businesses in Dubai extend their visas spontaneously. This visa costs between 3800 and 4000 AED.

Dubai Business Visa

A business visa is part of the Golden Visa system under which foreigners obtain long-term visas for themselves and their dependents. It aims to create an attractive environment for businesses and the economic growth of Dubai.

Dubai business visa is permitted to those entrepreneurs who have established their businesses in Dubai. This type of visa in Dubai is a constitutive part of the Gold Card United Arab Emirates system. Experienced entrepreneurs and shareholders are provided such kinds of Visas in Dubai. The Business visa in Dubai costs 4600 AED.

Student Visa

What could be more beneficial than a city is providing student visas for higher studies for pupils all over the world. These are for students who desire to study in colleges and universities. 

This amazing visa expires after one year. The government renews the visa of those students who would continue their education. It costs 510 AED per application.

Medical Visa

In Dubai, this is granted to those patients who are getting medical treatments. As far as the main concern, good care of them is taken. For acquiring this visa, your sponsor must apply through the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).

The following essentials have to be submitted for the approval of a visa:

  • A copy of the passport
  • A letter from the hospital for the reason for medical treatment
  • Proof of medical insurance

The cost of the medical visa lies between 380 and 800 AED.

Retirement visa in Dubai

A Retirement visa is a special kind of visa in Dubai granted to residents. It is a long-term visa permitted to those above 55 age retired people.

The retired visa in Dubai expires after five years. It can be renewed if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • If the retiree buys a property worth AED 2Million
  • If the retiree has financial savings of up to AED 1Million
  • If the retiree has an active income of AED 20k per month.

A total amount of 3700 AED is required for the process of obtaining a retirement visa in Dubai.

Remote working visa

The remote visa is for those employers who work remotely around the globe. The United Arab Emirates government announced a one-year residence visa after the Covid Pandemic. 

A six-month passport is conditional for this visa. Proof of employment, as well as health insurance, also has to be provided. The fee for a one-year visa in Dubai is USD 287 per applicant.

Transit Visa

The transit visa for Dubai is categorized into two visas. One is a 48-hour visa and the other one is a 96-hour visa. It is a non-extendable visa that is only sponsored by the airlines of UAE.

The 48-hour UAE transit visa is free of charge. The 96-hour UAE transit visa has a cost of AED 50.

Benefits of e-visa for GCC Residents

  • A bank account can be opened and a bank loan can be received
  • Accessibility of free visas to various countries
  • Can receive a driving license
  • Accessibility to government health services and insurance 

Benefits of a Golden visa

  • No tax on personal income
  • Access to financial activities in Dubai
  • Can work and invest freely in Dubai

Benefits of Business visa in Dubai

Once the visa is issued, the applicant is allowed to:

  • Enter Dubai for six months with a multiple-entry visa, to facilitate the process of establishing the business
  • Three of the business senior staff can obtain residency
  • The government of the United Arab Emirates grants this facilitated visa to such entrepreneurs

Benefits of a Medical visa

  • Facilities in Dubai’s public and private healthcare systems
  • High-cost savings for medical treatment 

Benefits of Retirement Visa

  • Expatriates take advantage of an open-door policy
  • Obtain an outstanding quality of life

Benefits of a Student Visa

  • 18 years of age will be granted a one-year residence visa
  •  Other facilities 

It is important to devise a plan for the type of visa you want in Dubai. For this, a clear inquiry is needed. Ask Masar Al Ameen, an Expert in government procedures, before issuing any visa for a piece of information required on what would be the most suitable for you.

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