Information Technology service business in Dubai – 6 easy steps

Dubai has been known and it’s still among the popular countries where technology has been growing rapidly for many years.

According to research, Dubai is referred to as the Silicon Valley of the Middle East and the World class corporate infrastructure due to its high-tech setting.

Hence, making it simple and easy to start up any business, especially tech businesses.  

Are you planning on how to start an information technology service business in Dubai and you don’t have any idea of how to go about it?

If this sounds like you, then you are so lucky to be reading this well-written and researched article from the best website.

In this article, we are going to reveal to you the step-by-step guidelines on how to start an information technology service business in Dubai and also show you all the benefits of starting your tech business in a unique country like Dubai.

Let’s get started but first of all, let’s put you through what the term information technology service business means.

An information technology service is a service given by a team of technology experts and skilled resources to help provide IT Services around the globe.

Having discussed that let’s see the step-by-step tips on how to start an information technology service business in Dubai.

6 amazing steps to start an Information Technology service business in Dubai

Here they are:

Outline your business activities

If you want to start a technological services business in Dubai, this is the first step you need to take to make the journey easy and simple for you.

Here, all you have to do is to make a list of the things or the services your business is going to render.

You should make this list to be sure of exactly the kind of business activities and missions to set up your business. List out business activities like what kind of services will your tech business provide, what you are going to deal with, and lots more.

Check the total cost of setting up this business

Another thing you need to consider before starting any business, especially a tech business is how much it will cost you.

When you can get your statistics on the cost of getting your business name registered and getting a license to operate a business in a world-class corporate infrastructure like Dubai, then you are a step close to starting your business.

Get all the necessary documents needed

After you have checked the total cost needed to set up your tech service business in Dubai, the next important thing to do is to make sure all the necessary documents needed to start your business are available.

Businessman reading a document in the office

Below are the vital documents you need to make available when planning to start your business in Dubai.

They are as follows:

  • Your Memorandum of Association(MOA).
  • No objection certificate gotten from current employer. If any.
  • Business or company setup onboarding form.
  • Visa page and your Emirates ID.
  • Your copy of trade or business license.
  • Application forms.
  • Your scanned copy passport size photo and lots more.

Advice: if you want to apply for your business license, make sure all details in your application form are genuine and free of errors to avoid any unnecessary delay that might show up if found guilty.

Hence, if possible, get a professional hand to guide you through the journey of starting a technological service business in Dubai.

For more information on this, try to contact Masar AI Ameen – they are one of the best business set-up companies to help people like you who want to start up a running business in Dubai.

Select a good location

When you get and arranged all the vital documents for your business start-up, you can now decide on the good location that will be suitable for your kind of business.

In this case, you need to look at a good UAE marketplace where there is lucrative demand for your product.

In addition to that, you need to also decide whether to go for a Free zone setup or a Mainland route.

However, some benefits go with any of the routes you choose.

For the Mainland setup:

  • You will have access to trade with the UAE market and not only that
  • You can as well be able to land yourself some lucrative government contracts.

And then, for the Free zone route benefits:

  • You will have no currency restrictions to trade
  • You will also have a full custom tax exemption with 0 rates
  • 100 percent foreign ownership

As you can see there are good benefits, though.

Hence, the free zone route comes with one disadvantage which is – your free zone business or company cannot be allowed to trade directly with the UAE market but never lose hope because there are alternatives to seek which could enable you to do so as time goes on. 

Choose a business name

After you must have successfully gotten all the above steps ready.

Now, you have to think and draft out a name to register your business with.

All you have to do is make sure to select a unique, easy-to-remember name that has not been used by any business before.

For example, you can craft out a name from your name or use the initials of your name to form a tangible name for your technological service business.

5 rules of having a name for your business in Dubai

1. Select a business name that interprets your business, its activities, and the service it provides.

2. Your business name needs to be simple and easy to remember by customers and also when searching on the web. 

3. The name you choose should be a full name and not an abbreviated name.

4. Make sure the name does not contain any unpleasant words which can lead to issues.

5. Choose a unique name that must be available to register, that none has used or is making use of.

Sign your documents, collect and set up your business

After you must have followed all the steps above, the last thing you should do is to make sure you have signed all your business documents.

After you have signed and collected all, now you are good to go!

Go ahead and start up your information technology service business in Dubai with ease and no issues.

However, you need to know the lots of benefits that come with starting a tech business in Dubai.

5 unique benefits of starting an Information Technology service business in Dubai

1. As Dubai is highly Internet-connected, and uses big data and advanced AI, having your tech business set up in the region will be great decision-making for you.

2. According to market research experts, it has been proven that Dubai’s advanced technology services would increase more in no distance time. 

3. Dubai government has made it easy for foreigners and even indigenous people of the region to start up a business by providing and supporting Small Business Enterprises(SMEs) and has also helped by reducing the cost of services and registrations involved.

4. Starting your technological service business in Dubai is a great move as there are already a fast-growing digital economy and numerous big Tech companies running and doing their businesses well in the region. Tech companies such as Amazon, IBM, Google, Microsoft, and lots others. 

5. The Dubai government has recently declared the start-up of the Dubai Chamber of Digital economy and building of more advanced digital infrastructure in the region which would play a prominent role in transforming Dubai into an international technology hub is good for your kind of business.

People in a world connection technology meeting


Starting a Tech business in Dubai is not that easy but when you follow and leverage the step-by-step guides we listed above, your journey on how to start a technological service business in Dubai will be made easy and simple.

Read more: How to create an e-commerce business in Dubai.

In addition, obtaining Dubai residence Visa to live and do business there is not hard. To apply you have to meet with the appropriate immigration department for an easy process.

Good luck with your new start tech business in Dubai!

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